
by SRSホールディングス株式会社

Food & Drink


We have released an official app that can be used at profitable shops.[Main functions]■ CampaignWe will deliver advantageous campaign information and new product information.■ CouponWe distribute advantageous coupons that can be used at stores.■ MenuYou can check the latest menu that you can enjoy at a great price.■ Store searchYou can search for nearby stores or stores that meet specific criteria.You can also search for SRS Group stores.■StampYou can receive stamps every time you use SRS group restaurants (Washoku Sato, Chojiro, Miyamoto Munashi, Tendon, Tempura Honpo Santen, Kazokutei), including bargain shops.You can get a great coupon by accumulating stamps.【please note】・If you cannot connect to the network when starting the application, the latest information may not be displayed, or your current location may not be displayed correctly.・When using coupons, please read the precautions carefully before using.・It is necessary to allow the GPS function to search for stores.